Reniya Dinkins is a graduate student intern at the Office of Racial Equity for the City and County of San Francisco. She is concurrently a second-year MPP student at UC Berkeley’s Goldman School of Public Policy with a specialized focus on urban policy, racial equity and data analysis. Reniya has also worked this year as a policy consultant for the City of Woodland to recommend the city's first DEI strategy.
Before moving to the Bay Area, Reniya worked at the Brookings Institution’s Metropolitan Policy Program from 2019-2021 where her research was centered on inclusive and equitable economic development strategies in large and mid-sized cities. She’s also worked in previous roles at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, the Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights, and the Eric H. Holder Initiative for Civil and Political Rights.
Outside of work, Reniya has dedicated five years to leading a high school mentorship program for Black and Latinx students in the South Bronx called the WomanHOOD Project, where she collaborated with a team to develop and facilitate a curriculum that teaches media literacy, community organizing, and personal storytelling skills through engagement with popular culture, women of color feminism (“womanism”), and community history.
Born and raised in Washington, DC, Reniya is a 2018 alumna of Columbia University, where she studied political science and sociology.